Course delivery


Please contact your Module Coordinator in order to agree the teaching content and a timetable for your class(es). The Faculty Administration Office must receive information from the Module Coordinator about your teaching assignment(s) in order to publish it in LSF for the students and to be able to prepare a teaching contract for you, which is generated directly from the software.

Cancellations and repeated sessions

The timetable is visible in LSF approximately three weeks before a term starts. You need to log into LSF with your HTW account to see your course times & dates and its location.

If you are unable to deliver a class and need to cancel it (sickness, cancelled transport, other commitments etc), please notify the Administration Office by e-mail, naming your reasons and suggesting an alternative repeat date for the class. If your teaching is to be called off at a very short notice, you should consider notifying the students directly via LSF ("E-Mail an Studierende in dieser Gruppe"). Andreas Martin (Deutsch) or Michael Ferenc(English) will enter the details of your repeated session in LSF for all your attending students to see.

Enrolment and contacting students

Information about enrolment can be found in LSF. It tells you the names of students on your class and which degree courses they are on, if your are teaching an AWE Fach for instance. All enroled students can be reached with a single bulk e-mail which can be sent from within the LSF.

Teaching development

The Berlin Center for University Teaching regularly offers training workshops on teaching for lecturers. Learn more about their programme offer here.


HTW Berlin uses Moduleas its central learning platform which is ideal for provision of study materials, tests and exercises to the students. For more information about our e-learning services and tools please contact Sebastian Homerat the IT Services.

Compact delivery

You can deliver your course in a compacted session spread over a few days or a single week as long as other courses are not affected, your teaching does not take place out of the term time (Vorlesungsfreizeit) and there is a room availability. It is obviously up to the Module Coordinator to decide if a subject can be taucht in this way or not.

Field trips

Field trips can be carried out as part of your class. As an Associate Lecturer you can take over the management of a trip relevant for your students. Whether you can organise one outside of your teaching assignment is at the discretion of the Deanery. This also applies to the reimbursement of any expenses. Field trips should be planned well in advance and agreed with the Course Manager before they are submitted to the Deanery for approval or reimbursement. Please use the application form below and send it to Faculty Administration Office by e-mail or hand in person to WH A 103 (the reception). Make sure that a full participant list (Annex 1) is attached as the HTW insurance only covers named participants and only on trips approved by the Dean.

HTW Field Trip Application form (.doc/in German)

Guidelines for field trips at HTW (.pdf/in German)

Appendix 1  - List of participants (.doc)

Away sessions

For classes that you may want to deliver outside of the University campus you should also submit a field trip request. This is necessary for participating students to be properly insured. You need to inform the Faculty Administration Office in advance so that the location & times of your Away Session are timely entered into LSF for all parties to see.